Mridula Sharma
All About Ambedkar: A Journal on Theory and Praxis, Volume 2, Issue 1, January-April, 2021, 15-20
This paper studies the anti-caste art of Bhimayana in conjunction with the works of Priyanka Paul. It argues that by interrogating the mode of legitimisation of Brahmanical supremacy, contemporary models of Dalit art uniquely establish their self-conscious scepticism towards the notions of power, privilege and position. The cultural ethos produced as a consequence of this active engagement in resistance against Brahmanical supremacy, it is further agued, uses a prism of conventionality to subvert the traditional and undermine its production of socially sanctioned meanings.
Mridula Sharma has published numerous research papers in national and international journals. She is a creative writing mentor and a poet. Her email address is